
Date: 22/09/2011

By: Sanjay

Subject: Re: Good Work

Ohhh !!! Is it so ..?

Yes its may be. Bcz still i am updating the site. Its under construction. So
may be u can find some grammer mistakes.
Anyways nice to see ur post here. kindly notify me where it is and any other thing you want to add
in this site ?

Let me know anything else....


Date: 21/09/2011

By: Kiren

Subject: Hai !!! I have describe my Problem in below. Can u kindly send me the Solution ...

In a college library fines are issued according to the following condition
If return books exceeds the due date
Up to 5 days 20rs fine
6-10 days 50rs fine
>10 days 100rs fine
More than 30 days membership will be cancelled
Get the due date from the user and calculate ?

Thanks in Advance,

Date: 21/09/2011

By: Sanjay

Subject: Re: Hai !!! I have describe my Problem in below. Can u kindly send me the Solution ...

Hai!!! Kiren
I have updated solution for this above question in My technology & Solutions part. Have a look into this ...Hope your problem will be Solved..

If any doubt Let me know.

With Regards,

Date: 08/09/2011

By: Saravana Kumar R

Subject: More.........

Hai-- Nice .. but i expect some more..


Date: 01/09/2011

By: Anish Debnath

Subject: Great post and Information

Hai !! Nice post and your information which you provided here.

Thanks your Exporting Data from data grid helped me a lot.. Its works fine for me..

Thanks a lot,

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