Why Do we use verification code in web applications or in Mail or in any secure Apps ??
- Verification code specially we are using for security purpose. To identify that auto genarated or human trying to access our application. Because there is lots of spammer and hackers just by programitically accessing or hacking our application easily. For these reasons currently in most of the web applications using CAPTCHA to make their application secure.
- CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart'.Captcha Image verification,Captcha Image,Image Verification Code these are the names which represent Captcha code. And it is the code which keeps machines and humans apart. You must have seen captcha image verification somewhere while newsletter subscription, online registration, placing orders, filling surveys and e-commerce transactions,and the most common place while making sign up on any social networking website. And you would be thinking why we have to do this captcha image verification. These are the ways to save website from spam attack,malicious attack and if some computer is filling the forms and other malicious activities.
- Protecting Email Addresses From Scrapers. CAPTCHAs are used in attempts to prevent automated software from performing actions which degrade the quality of service of a given system, whether due to abuse or resource expenditure. CAPTCHAs can be deployed to protect systems vulnerable to e-mail spam, such as the webmail services of Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo! Mail.
Captcha Code Verification assures that only humans can fill the surveys and vote the polls.
Captcha Image Verification prevents the attack of automated Internet bots which continuously try new word to break your password.
Captcha Code Verification also prevents fake orders which can be placed by automated software. - Worms and Spam. CAPTCHAs also offer a plausible solution against email worms and spam: "I will only accept an email if I know there is a human behind the other computer." A few companies are already marketing this idea.
- Protecting Website Registration. Several companies (Yahoo!, Microsoft, etc.) offer free email services. Up until a few years ago, most of these services suffered from a specific type of attack: "bots" that would sign up for thousands of email accounts every minute. The solution to this problem was to use CAPTCHAs to ensure that only humans obtain free accounts. In general, free services should be protected with a CAPTCHA in order to prevent abuse by automated scripts.
- Now a days for more security reasons developers are using verification code which a mobile phone that can receive the verification code via text message and you need to type in ur application in order to login in your application.This is highly secured. Mostly google is using 2-step verification verification code to provide user more security. SImilarly Bank websites,Orkut, and few others also using same techniques to secure login .
- 2-step verification helps protect a user's account from unauthorized access should someone manage to obtain their password. Even if a password is cracked, guessed, or otherwise stolen, an attacker can't sign in without access to the user's verification codes, which only the user can obtain via their own mobile phone.
These are all resons why programmers are providing verification codes or CAPTCHAs in web application. Hope These article will help you people to know know about verification code/CAPTCHA. Please share your thought and idea here with us and you can provide your own article also here..
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